0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 9, 2005 3:22 AM by marius.oancea

    Two or many conversations


      What should be the behabior if I have 2 Statefull components as below:

      class Component1Bean ... {
       start() {
       //do something
       end() {
       // end of conversation
       yetAnotherMethod() {
      class Component2Bean ... {
       start() {
       //do something
       end() {
       // end of conversation

      The user use the system so that the following methods are called:
      compo1.start(); // <- this creates the conversation
      compo2.start(); // <- what does this ? Creates a new conversation or not?
      compo2.end(); // <- this ends also converstaion started at compo1.start?
      compo1.yetAnotherMethod(); // <- this is still in the conversation created by compo1.start?
      compo1.end(); // <- this should end the first created conversation?

      I should use JBpm to aquire that ? Or is not possible in seam? Most of the applications have such a flow. Do seam support that?