3 Replies Latest reply on Jan 21, 2006 3:01 AM by robjellinghaus

    Why does ChangePasswordTest expect outcome==null?


      I have a copy of the noejb example that I am modifying. I've modified it only to change package names. But my ChangePasswordTest is failing.

      ChangePasswordTest has this code. The failure is on the "assert outcome==null;" line.

      new Script() {
       ChangePasswordAction changePassword;
       protected void applyRequestValues() throws Exception
       Contexts.getSessionContext().set("loggedIn", true);
       Contexts.getSessionContext().set("user", new User("Gavin King", "foobar", "gavin"));
       protected void updateModelValues() throws Exception
       User user = (User) Component.getInstance("user", true);
       changePassword = (ChangePasswordAction) Component.getInstance("changePassword", true);
       protected void invokeApplication()
       String outcome = changePassword.changePassword();
       log.info("Outcome is " + outcome);
       assert outcome==null; // fails
       protected void renderResponse()
       User user = (User) Component.getInstance("user", false);
       assert user.getName().equals("Gavin King");
       assert user.getUsername().equals("gavin");
       assert user.getPassword().equals("xxx");
       assert !Manager.instance().isLongRunningConversation();
       assert Contexts.getSessionContext().get("loggedIn").equals(true);

      My question is, why is outcome expected to be null there? It looks to me like the test goes to pains to set up a User object whose password *does* match the value of "verify". And ChangePasswordAction is:

      public class ChangePasswordAction
       private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ChangePasswordAction.class);
       @In @Out @Valid
       private User user;
       private Session bookingDatabase;
       private FacesContext facesContext;
       private String verify;
       public String changePassword()
       log.info("user is " + user + " with password " + user.getPassword());
       if ( user.getPassword().equals(verify) )
       log.info("updating password to: " + verify);
       user = (User) bookingDatabase.merge(user);
       return "main";
       log.info("password not verified");
       facesContext.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage("Re-enter new password"));
       return null;
       public String cancel()
       return "main";
       public String getVerify()
       return verify;
       public void setVerify(String verify)
       this.verify = verify;

      Looks to me like if user.getPassword().equals(verify), which it *does* in this test, then outcome is -- and SHOULD be -- "main", not null.

      And that's what I see in my log:

      INFO 20-01 23:17:48,562 (ChangePasswordAction.java:changePassword:38) -user is User(gavin) with password xxx
      INFO 20-01 23:17:52,281 (ChangePasswordAction.java:changePassword:41) -updating password to: xxx
      INFO 20-01 23:20:54,187 (ChangePasswordTest.java:invokeApplication:51) -Outcome is main
       at com.robjsoftware.replog.test.ChangePasswordTest$1.invokeApplication(ChangePasswordTest.java:52)

      The action looks right to me. It's the *test* that looks wrong!

      What simple detail am I missing?