4 Replies Latest reply on Mar 23, 2006 5:37 PM by gavin.king

    Component Binding to conversation does not work



      we are trying to bind a faces UI component to a conversation.scope Java bean with SEAM 1.0B2 and myFaces 1.1.1/facelets.
      Whenever the form is postet SEAM complains that "no conversation is active" and throws an exception.

      <h:inputText value="#{conversation.input}" binding="#{conversation.inputComponent}" />

      Question: Am I doing something wrong? Is there a workaround?


      After looking at the SEAM and myFaces source I believe that the problem is, that SEAM restores the current conversation in the AFTER_PHASE listener of RESTORE_VIEW,

       public void afterPhase(PhaseEvent event)
       log.trace( "after phase: " + event.getPhaseId() );
       if ( event.getPhaseId() == RESTORE_VIEW )
       else if ( event.getPhaseId() == RENDER_RESPONSE )

      and myFaces sets the bindings before calling the AFTER_PHASE listener

       recursivelyHandleComponentReferencesAndSetValid(facesContext, viewRoot);
       informPhaseListenersAfter(facesContext, PhaseId.RESTORE_VIEW);

      Just moving the SEAM-code to the other Phase does not work, because the
      restoreAnyConversationContext(event); method accesses the component tree.

      When is the conversationID stored in the request-params and when attached to the UIViewRoot?

        • 1. Re: Component Binding to conversation does not work

          I've found a way around this.

          In my CONVERSATION scoped component I inject an EVENT scoped component, which handles the binding.

          So my conversation component looks something like:

          public class ShoppingCartBean implements ShoppingCart, Serializable {
           @In(value="cartTable", create=true)
           private transient TableBinding table;

          And my event component looks something like:
          public class ShoppingCartTableBinding extends TableBinding {

          Just for completeness, my TableBinding class is used to bind to a ADF Faces Table component:
          public abstract class TableBinding {
           private UIXTable table;
           public UIXTable getBinding() {
           return table;
           public void setBinding(UIXTable table) {
           this.table = table;
           public List getSelectedRows() {
           List selectedRows = new ArrayList();
           Object oldKey = table.getRowKey();
           Set<String> selectedKeys = table.getSelectionState().getKeySet();
           for (String rowKey : selectedKeys) {
           return selectedRows;
           public void clearSelection() {

          And my JSF page looks something like:
           <af:table binding="#{cartTable.binding}" ...>

          • 2. Re: Component Binding to conversation does not work

            The Conversation context is not available during the restore view phase. Hence the problem ;)

            • 3. Re: Component Binding to conversation does not work


              is this by design or will it be fixed in later versions?

              • 4. Re: Component Binding to conversation does not work

                it is unavoidable