1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 23, 2006 5:38 PM by gavin.king

    @Factory Method invoked from Seam Component @In (injection)

      Dear All

      I am using Louis security @Factory (thankyou) method for placing the user information into 'Seam' space from JAAS. (with the addition of the JBPM actor stuff).

      The method looks like this

      User currentUser

       public void loadCurrentUser() {
       log.info("**** FACTORY ****** currentUser is " + currentUser);
       try {
       String username = new String("unknown");
       FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
       if ( facesContext.getExternalContext().getUserPrincipal() == null ) {
       currentUser = null;
       log.info("not logged in");
       // get security login name
       username = facesContext.getExternalContext().getUserPrincipal().getName().toString();
       // create DB query
       String query = new String("FROM " + User.class.getName() + " where username='" + username + "'");
       // get user from db
       List list = em.createQuery(query).getResultList();
       if ( list != null && list.size() > 0 ) {
       Object obj = list.get(0);
       if ( obj instanceof User ){
       currentUser = (User) obj;
       Contexts.getSessionContext().set( LOGIN_KEY, true );
       catch ( Throwable t ) {
       log.error("currentUser factory throws " + t);
       currentUser = null;

      This factory method is only invoked when i do this on a faces page

      or something similar.

      What I am requesting is that when a component request to inject the currentUser via

      User currentUser

      That it also should invoke the @Factory method, becuase currently I don't think it does (please correct me if I'm wrong).

      If this is so shall I add a JIRA for this, or will this change impact other uses of the @Factory method, that I am unaware of.

      Many thanks,
