3 Replies Latest reply on May 16, 2006 11:30 AM by theute

    Some classes/interfaces moved from javax.ejb to javax.interc


      I downloaded the JBoss-4.0.4.GA and tried to port my Seam-1.0.0.CR2 application. I got an NoClassDefinition Exception on javax.ejb.InvocationContext.
      I think the reason are some changes in the final release of ejb3-spec

      Moved InvocationContext interface and Interceptors, AroundInvoke, ExcludeDefaultInterceptors, and
      ExcludeClassInterceptors to javax.interceptor package. Renamed InvocationContext.getBean method as
      Invocation.getTarget When interceptors are invoked as a result of an invocation on a web service endpoint,
      the InvocationContext.getContextData returns the JAX-WS MessageContext.

      Have this been fixed in CVS?
