5 Replies Latest reply on Jun 23, 2006 8:21 AM by grigoras_cristinel

    JBoss Seam and myfaces sandbox inputSuggestAjax



      I had a NPE while using the sandbox inputSuggestAjax with a SEAM component method as "suggestedItemsMethod" : The reason is that there is no PhaseId setted during the ajaxRequest...

      So here is what I have done in the PageContext class:

      PhaseId phaseId = Lifecycle.getPhaseId();
      if (null==phaseId) return previousPageMap;
      return phaseId.compareTo(PhaseId.INVOKE_APPLICATION) <= 0 ? previousPageMap : nextPageMap;

      Now the ajax component from sandbox is working well...

      but maybe it's not the good approach...
