3 Replies Latest reply on Jun 28, 2006 11:46 AM by gavin.king

    issue with readme.txt for several examples

      In trying to solved the problem described at http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=85465 from first principles (still unsolved BTW), I tried to follow the readme.txt instructions for running the registration example TestNG Eclipse plugin:

      Running the TestNG Tests in Eclipse

      1. Install the TestNG Eclipse plugin from http://beust.com/eclipse

      2. Create the jboss-seam Eclipse project with the following directories
      in your source path:


      And all jar files from the following directories in your classpath:


      3. Run examples/registration/src/org/jboss/seam/example/registration/test/testng.xml
      using the TestNG plugin.

      The last configuration instruction says to put the jars from embedded-ejb/lib in your classpath, but there is none. Several examples say to put the lib directory from either embedded-ejb or microcontainer in the classpath, but there's none to be found and I looked in the zip files for both the 1.0.0.GA and 1.0.1.GA Seam mentioned in the announcement posts. What jars are supposed to be in the lib directories of embedded-ejb and microcontainer? I couldn't find anything about them in Seam's build.xml file either.