3 Replies Latest reply on Jul 6, 2006 8:59 PM by holgerprause

    request parameter vs @DataModelSelection


      I got a very basic question.
      i am currently implementing a site where members with different roles
      can register and perform actions (submit task, etc).

      I currently implementing the action "view member details"

      Doing this with request parameter "?member_id" an a correponding bean where this will be injected via "@RequestParameter" is very easy.

      But, if u manipulate the get parameter, u can see the memberdetails of every member, i dont think thats a nice feature

      Ok if use

      u can get around this, but the both declarations have to b in the same bean
      which breaks my application desing
      (i want 1 bean for the list action and 1 for the detail action, not 2 for both)

      For search i can live with that limitation but not for the action "view task details" the code is really getting messed up.

      Is there a 3rd way to get the member_id injected without using request parameter ?

      Thank u very much,


        • 1. Re: request parameter vs @DataModelSelection


          i am using this now as "woraround"

          <h:commandLink action="#{viewMemberDetails.viewMemberDetails}">
           <f:verbatim>view member details</f:verbatim>
           <f:param name="member_id" value="#{tmp.member_id}" />

          u see no parameter in the link and the get parameter will be submitted via javascript(as far as i understood this)

          Do u think this is an acceptable solution for my problem, me a bit unsure, but passing get parameter this way is much more easier for me.

          Thank u again,



          • 2. Re: request parameter vs @DataModelSelection

            Why not use Java EE security along with Seam's support for userPrincipal and isUserInRole instead?

            • 3. Re: request parameter vs @DataModelSelection

              Hello, yes that maybe would solve some(maybe all) of my problems, ill take a look at it.

              But the same thing will occur when the user can view
              task details submitted by an user,(only taks submitted or received by an user can be viewed)

              I think its a very basic problem that u will have over and over again.
              Maybe i can solve this all with this "Java EE security"

              Maybe i missing sth but thank u very much,
