1 2 Previous Next 19 Replies Latest reply on Mar 5, 2007 8:33 AM by krica Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Problem: Custom validate methods in EJBs crash

        Gavin, maybe we misunderstood each other. It's important to mention that the actionMethod above shall perform "complex" validation and then save if everything is alright.

        public class WhateverEditorBean .... {
         public String actionMethod() {
         if ( ! complexValidationOk() ) {
         ejbCtx.setRollbackOnly(); //no flushing at the end of the method
         addFacesMessage("Complex validation failed");
         return null; //redisplay editor page
         //everything ok? then auto-flushing will be performed at the end of the method.
         return "backToListPage";

        The flush-mode in the begin annotation is much better, yes... but for a non-beta, non-CVS, production environment I need another solution. And I'm really interested what you think about the approach above. For me it seemed to work perfectly.

        btw: what does "hosed" mean? Sorry, I'm German, and the dictionary doesn't know that word *dooooh* ;).

        • 16. Re: Problem: Custom validate methods in EJBs crash

          Ok, found out that "hosed" is it slang and means "broken" ;).


          @Gavin, could you explain me why using setRollbackOnly() causes isn't good for the PersistenceContext?

          • 17. Re: Problem: Custom validate methods in EJBs crash

            If a txn rolls back, the EJB3 spec says that the PC should be cleared. So you will lose the state of the PC.

            • 18. Re: Problem: Custom validate methods in EJBs crash

              Thanks for your answer. But the PC only exists during editing one single entity (in a conversation), so I think it's ok... it works without problems ;).

              • 19. Re: Problem: Custom validate methods in EJBs crash

                I know this is an old thread, but I ran into the same problem with the ValidatorException causing the crash. After much trial and error, this is the solution I have come up with. I thought it may be useful for others, at least once I get the last little niggle out of it, which I don't think is relevant to the problem at hand.

                At the bottom of my form, I create a hidden input field, with a dummy value and a bound validator method. In this method, I then get the components I'm interested in and validate the values. If a field is deemed invalid, the flag it as such and add a message to the context. E.g.

                 public void validateForm(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value) throws ValidatorException {
                 HtmlInputText theInputText = (HtmlInputText) context.getViewRoot().findComponent("myForm:myInputId");
                 String theValue = (String) faxInputText.getValue();
                 if ("anError".equals(theValue)) {
                 context.addMessage(theInputText.getClientId(context), FacesMessages.createFacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "This is an error!"));

                My only problem left is that sometimes, for some reason, the method does not get called.

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