1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 13, 2008 11:35 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    ListShuttle onlistchanged  event listener error


      I am getting the following error when using ListShuttle to copy items from source to target. While onlistchanged event is triggered, a listener is invoked.

      sourceId=categoryInfoView:specForm:shuttle[severity=(ERROR 2), summary=("Component categoryInfoView:specForm:shuttle has invalid value expression com.sony.pm.commons.beans.CategoryFeature@b08ba7"), detail=("Component categoryInfoView:specForm:shuttle has invalid value expression com.sony.pm.commons.beans.CategoryFeature@b08ba7")]

      Actual code used in implementation

      <a4j:form id="specForm" ajaxSingle="true">

      <rich:listShuttle sourceValue="#{categoryBean.sourceSpecifications}"

      targetValue="#{categoryBean.targetSpecifications}" var="items" listHeight="300"

      listWidth="300" sourceCaptionLabel="Available Items"

      targetCaptionLabel="Currently Active Items"

      converter="categoryFeatureConverter" id="shuttle">


      <h:outputText value="#{items.name}"></h:outputText>


      <a4j:support event="onlistchanged" reRender="items" actionListener="#{categoryBean.valueChangeListener}"/>



      public void valueChangeListener(ValueChangeEvent evt)



      log.debug("Value Change Listener : "+evt.getNewValue());


        • 1. Re: ListShuttle onlistchanged  event listener error

          1) you didn't read actual restrictions about required converter usage. Or just forgot to override hasCode and equals carefully for your objects. Look to our demo and List shuttle article.

          2) (not about the case actually) Do not use magic passes trying to get something working. Why are you need ajaxSingle="true" on the form? :)