1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 3, 2006 12:54 PM by pmuir

    what can i do  if i have to change the jsp file name ?


      i am studying the dvdstore example. the menu is made of like that:

       <li id="page_home"><a href="home.seam">Home</a></li>
       <li id="page_shop"><a href="browse.seam">Shop</a></li>
       <f:subview rendered="#{login.loggedIn}">
       <li id="page_orders"><a href="showorders.seam">My Orders</a></li>
       <li id="page_cart"><a href="checkout.seam">Cart</a></li>

      now it will be pointed to browse.seam when i clike the "shop" in web page.and then it will be redirected the browse.xhtml. would have som relationship between browse.seam and browse.xhtml(it must the same)? now i want to click browse.seam then jump to browse2.xhtml or something else ,how can i do for configure?

        • 1. Re: what can i do  if i have to change the jsp file name ?

          When facelets is used as the viewhandler it uses a suffix for source files and for rendered files. Normally .xhtml is used for source files; there is no convention for rendered files - .seam, .jsf, .faces are common. There is a 1:1 correspondance between the rest of the file name (the view-id) : xxxx.xhtml -> xxxx.seam.

          Configuration for this is in web.xml