1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 12, 2006 10:15 AM by gus888

    JBoss & Tamahawk


      I recently stuck in problem when i was trying to put "t:schedule" Tamahawk component in seam application.
      I just write '<t:schedule value="#{schedule}" ... >'
      where #{schedule} is a seam component and i was too surprised when discover that value of #{schedule} is not parsed correctly by Tamahahk ScheduleTag object.
      At the same time i put
      "<h:outputText value='#{schedule}'/>"
      and saw that string appeared that equals class name of "#{schedule}" component. Can does somebody explain where i made an error?

      p.s. schedule is variable of Entity bean with SESSION scope.

        • 1. Re: JBoss & Tamahawk

          There are many discussion about integrating Seam and Tomahawk. Please search tomahawk threads for this topic. Generally, tomahawk is not recommended to integrate into Seam.