2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 2, 2007 2:16 PM by norman.richards



      Hi !!
      I generated some entity beans reversing engineering from db.
      Trying to insert a new record I get this JSF error near all fields I filled:
      "value could not be converted to the expected type"
      and no info is inserted in the db.
      Jboss console doesn't show any errors.
      Jboss is 4.0.5GA
      Seam 1.1.0GA
      Database Postgres 8.1

      What could it be?

      Thank u,

        • 1. Re: error:

          I think a bit more information is desirable.
          What kind datatypes are you using? (numerics, varchars, blobs etc).
          can you do a java insert ?(persist an object without web interaction, just do em.persist(new Pojo(...))
          what version of java are you using (5 or 6?)

          • 2. Re: error:

            The problem is on that line - in that file.

            If you can describe the problem a bit more, I'll describe the solution a bit more. :)