5 Replies Latest reply on Jan 10, 2007 4:46 AM by patrick.antivackis

    Seam Application Framework : association management


      I do not really understand the association management as explained in Chapter 14 of SEAM 1.1GA documentation. Is there a place where to find the complete example described in this chapter ?
      If no, does someone know how to use the concept of @DataModel and @DataModelSelector with the Framework.

      Thank you

        • 1. Re: Seam Application Framework : association management

          Here's one way to get started, I suppose. In general, I think you'd want to combine an EntityQuery with an EntityHome though, and not mess about with manually managing it like this.

          public class FooList
           extends EntityQuery
           Foo selectedFoo;
           public List getAllFoo() {
           return super.getResultList();
           public void actOnSelected() {
           .... use selectedFoo

          • 2. Re: Seam Application Framework : association management

            Hello Norman, thank for your time and help, so to make it clearer just let's stick to the example in chapter 14. We have the person class :

            public class Person {
             @Id private Long id;
             private String firstName;
             private String lastName;
             private Country nationality;
             //getters and setters...

            The personHome class :
             <h:outputText rendered="#{!personHome.managed}" value="Create Person"/>
             <h:outputText rendered="#{personHome.managed}" value="Edit Person"/>
             <div>First name: <h:inputText value="#{person.firstName}"/></div>
             <div>Last name: <h:inputText value="#{person.lastName}"/></div>
             <h:commandButton value="Create Person" action="#{personHome.persist}" rendered="#{!personHome.managed}"/>
             <h:commandButton value="Update Person" action="#{personHome.update}" rendered="#{personHome.managed}"/>
             <h:commandButton value="Delete Person" action="#{personHome.remove}" rendered="#{personHome.managed}"/>
            public class PersonHome extends EntityHome<Person> {
             @In Country country;
             public Person initPerson() { return getInstance(); }
             public void migrate()

            A country class, let's say :
            public class Country {
             @Id private Long id;
             private String countryName;
             //getters and setters...

            The database is populated with countries.

            An entity query for the countries ;
            <framework:entity-query name="countries" ejbql="select c from Country c"/>

            The editPerson as defined in the example :
             <h:outputText rendered="#{!personHome.managed}" value="Create Person"/>
             <h:outputText rendered="#{personHome.managed}" value="Edit Person"/>
             <div>First name: <h:inputText value="#{person.firstName}"/></div>
             <div>Last name: <h:inputText value="#{person.lastName}"/></div>
             <h:commandButton value="Create Person" action="#{personHome.persist}" rendered="#{!personHome.managed}"/>
             <h:commandButton value="Update Person" action="#{personHome.update}" rendered="#{personHome.managed}"/>
             <h:commandButton value="Delete Person" action="#{personHome.remove}" rendered="#{personHome.managed}"/>

            My question is : Is there an easy way to add a country selector in the editPerson page ?

            Thank you

            • 3. Re: Seam Application Framework : association management

              In fact there is a very convenient way to realize this. by using the http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=SeamSelectItemsNewDesign component.

              <si:selectItems value="#{countries.resultList}" var="country" label="#{country.countryName}" noSelectionLabel="Select One..."/>


              ps: I guess I don't know how to use the url formatter correctly...it always prints the url instead of the text I entered in the tag :/

              • 4. Re: Seam Application Framework : association management

                I forgot..., u probably wanna surround the si:selectitems with a h:selectone or smth similar:

                <h:selectOneMenu value="#{person.country}" >
                <si:selectItems value="#{countries.resultList}" var="country" label="#{country.countryName}" noSelectionLabel="Select One..."/>


                • 5. Re: Seam Application Framework : association management

                  Thanks Atzbert, your link to the selectItems was great, have example using the framewrok inside. Just what i was looking for