7 Replies Latest reply on Jan 12, 2007 9:54 AM by pmuir

    Problem with SelectItems !!



      I'm having a problem implementig a multiple choice with a:

      <h: selectManyListbox value="#{foo.selectedUsers}" id="usersList">
      <si electItems value="#{fooUsers}" var="tt" label="#{tt.username}"
       config="#{mySelectItemsConfig}" />
       <si:convertEntity entityClass="it.webscience.atlasweb.model.User" />
       </h electManyListbox>

        • 1. Re: Problem with SelectItems !!

          (sorry for my previous post....)

          Hi, I'm having a problem implementing a multiple choice using a selectManyListbox:

          <h: selectManyListbox value="#{foo.selectedUsers}" id="usersList">
          <si:selectItems value="#{fooUsers}" var="tt" label="#{tt.username}"
           config="#{mySelectItemsConfig}" />
          <si:convertEntity entityClass="it.mypackage.model.User" />


          -User is an entity
          -fooUsers is a List (outjected) of entities User inside the bean foo
          -selectedUsers is a List of entities User inside the bean foo
          -I have done the override of the equals method into my entity.

          When, pressing a button the page is submitted and a "validation error" is shown :-(

          The strange thing is that all works fine if I use a selectOneMenu that has not a multiple selection......where is the tricky error ?? any suggestion ?


          • 2. Re: Problem with SelectItems !!

            What is the detail message for the validation error?

            • 3. Re: Problem with SelectItems !!

              no details...only:

              "validation error" through a faces message.

              No errors found in log !!


              • 4. Re: Problem with SelectItems !!

                (by the way we're using ICEFaces)

                • 5. Re: Problem with SelectItems !!

                  I can't spot anything wrong in what you've done. Can you send me an ear that exhibits this behaviour with source, that has an ant build file (a seam-gen based project would be ideal)?

                  • 6. Re: Problem with SelectItems !!

                    We have identified that the problem was caused by ICEfaces, without them all warks fine.

                    Now we want to try to integrate again selectItems with ICEfaces using inside the view only tags like <ice:....> insted of <h:...> as soon as we have some news we'll post it here.....

                    Bye ;-)

                    • 7. Re: Problem with SelectItems !!

                      Yeah, I haven't worked with icefaces at all, so there could well be an incompatibility. If you figure out the problem/solution a patch would be much appreciated :)