5 Replies Latest reply on Feb 1, 2007 3:17 PM by mariuszs

    Access to EntityManager in authenticator?


      I am trying to add the new security features to my app, and am getting stuck trying to authenticate.

      Here is my class (almost exactly the same as the docs)

      public class Authenticator {
       private EntityManager entityManager;
       @Logger Log log;
       public boolean authenticate(String username, String password, Set<String> roles)
       log.info("Authenticating user " + username);
       log.info("em " + entityManager);
       User user = (User) entityManager.createQuery(
       "from User where name = :username and password = :password")
       .setParameter("username", username)
       .setParameter("password", password)
       return true;
       catch (NoResultException ex)
       FacesMessages.instance().add("Invalid username/password");
       return false;
       catch (Exception ex)
       log.error("Caught", ex);
       FacesMessages.instance().add("Could not log in.. Please contact admin");
       return false;

      It throws an exception saying:
      org.jboss.seam.RequiredException: In attribute requires value for component: authenticator.entityManager

      but if I change
       private EntityManager entityManager;

       private EntityManager entityManager;

      I get a null pointer exception..

      Am I missing something, am I supposed to be outjecting the EntityManager somewhere?
