1 2 Previous Next 15 Replies Latest reply on Mar 30, 2007 7:53 AM by codelion

    better editor for .xhtml in JBoss IDE - element wrapping


      Sound like off-topic, but what we're trying to do it to be very Seam centric, and so using JBoss IDE is the natural choice, and you know we're using XHTML, and regrettably ...

      the formatting of XHTML in JBoss IDE (Eclipse) with Shift-Ctrl-F is (looks) horrible.

      Most annoying: Elements starting on same line as previous element, but then wrapping to next line.

      Any solution (formatting plugin) that's more mainstream JBoss / Seam than another solution?

      Have not found a Preference for that element wrapping (yet) in JBoss IDE (Eclipse).

        • 1. Re: better editor for .xhtml in JBoss IDE - element wrapping

          You may want to tray Aptana: http://www.aptana.com/

          Since we're talking about JBoss IDE, it would be great if we had EL autocompletion (ex: You type "${", hit ctrl+space and a list of Seam components would show up). Also, error highlighting (ex: "$ {foobar} " is underlined in red if there is no @Name("foobar") defined).

          • 2. Re: better editor for .xhtml in JBoss IDE - element wrapping

            Seems like my post above is being rendered incorrectly by the forum (I probably used a style character without a quote, sorry.

            What I tried to say on the post above is that JBoss IDE needs auto-completion and error highlighting for Seam components


            • 3. Re: better editor for .xhtml in JBoss IDE - element wrapping

              It's not eclipse, but NetBeans has some preliminary Facelets support now.

              • 4. Re: better editor for .xhtml in JBoss IDE - element wrapping

                currently the xml editor in JBoss IDE is the XML editor provided via Eclipse WTP.

                Could you illustrate to me what the you think it actually does wrong ? (because when I tried it looked ok ;)

                felipevaa..something in your last comment screwed up this forums rendering...could you try and fix it ? :)

                • 5. Re: better editor for .xhtml in JBoss IDE - element wrapping

                  Let's say I wrote

                   <s:link view="/db/channelsList.xhtml"
                   value="#{messages.left}#{messages.left} First Page" id="firstPage">
                   <f:param name="firstResult" value="0" />
                   <s:link view="/db/channelsList.xhtml" rendered="#{channelsQuery.previousExists}"
                   value="#{messages.left} Previous Page" id="previousPage">
                   <f:param name="firstResult" value="#{channelsQuery.previousFirstResult}" />
                   <s:link view="/db/channelsList.xhtml" rendered="#{channelsQuery.nextExists}"
                   value="Next Page #{messages.right}" id="nextPage">
                   <f:param name="firstResult" value="#{channelsQuery.nextFirstResult}" />
                   <s:link view="/db/channelsList.xhtml" rendered="#{channelsQuery.nextExists}"
                   value="Last Page #{messages.right}#{messages.right}" id="lastPage">
                   <f:param name="firstResult" value="#{channelsQuery.lastFirstResult}" />

                  With Eclipse | Window | Preferences | Web and XML | XML Files | XML Source I have settings: OFF Clear all blank lines. Same for HTML Files | HTML Source.

                  Then with Crtl-Shift-F and with Ctrl-I I get

                  <div><s:link view="/db/channelsList.xhtml"
                   value="#{messages.left}#{messages.left} First Page" id="firstPage">
                   <f:param name="firstResult" value="0" />
                   </s:link> <s:link view="/db/channelsList.xhtml" rendered="#{channelsQuery.previousExists}"
                   value="#{messages.left} Previous Page" id="previousPage">
                   <f:param name="firstResult" value="#{channelsQuery.previousFirstResult}" />
                   </s:link> <s:link view="/db/channelsList.xhtml" rendered="#{channelsQuery.nextExists}"
                   value="Next Page #{messages.right}" id="nextPage">
                   <f:param name="firstResult" value="#{channelsQuery.nextFirstResult}" />
                   </s:link> <s:link view="/db/channelsList.xhtml" rendered="#{channelsQuery.nextExists}"
                   value="Last Page #{messages.right}#{messages.right}" id="lastPage">
                   <f:param name="firstResult" value="#{channelsQuery.lastFirstResult}" />

                  I just found out the HTML Files settings seem to apply, not the XML Files settings. How? Because when I change in HTML Files | HTML Source to ON Split multiple attributes each on a new line I get

                   value="#{messages.left}#{messages.left} First Page"
                   value="0" />
                   </s:link> <s:link
                   value="#{messages.left} Previous Page"
                   value="#{channelsQuery.previousFirstResult}" />
                   </s:link> <s:link
                   value="Next Page #{messages.right}"
                   value="#{channelsQuery.nextFirstResult}" />
                   </s:link> <s:link
                   value="Last Page #{messages.right}#{messages.right}"
                   value="#{channelsQuery.lastFirstResult}" />

                  But it still ignores that I have OFF Clear all blank lines. My visual grouping with empty lines is gone.

                  And here is one that upset me, but I guess I can get used to it. From

                  <h:form id="searchForm" styleClass="formArea">
                   <table class="formTable">
                   <tr class="formRow">
                   <td class="formFieldName">ID</td>
                   <td class="formFieldValue">
                   <h:inputText id="id" value="#{channelsQuery.channel.id}" />
                   <tr class="formRow">
                   <td class="formFieldName">Title</td>
                   <td class="formFieldValue">
                   <h:inputText id="title" value="#{channelsQuery.channel.title}" />

                  it makes

                  <h:form id="searchForm" styleClass="formArea">
                   <table class="formTable">
                   <tr class="formRow">
                   <td class="formFieldName">ID</td>
                   <td class="formFieldValue"><h:inputText id="id"
                   value="#{channelsQuery.channel.id}" /></td>
                   <tr class="formRow">
                   <td class="formFieldName">Title</td>
                   <td class="formFieldValue"><h:inputText id="title"
                   value="#{channelsQuery.channel.title}" /></td>

                  Note how it pulled up the h:inputText. Now if I'd have wanted that without a space to the td I'd have put it there myself. But at least it lets my tr separated by lines.

                  Seems to have its own ideas there, with keeping spacing lines between tr but not between s:link, though it keeps whitespace in form of a single space between the s:link.

                  Decides for me I can't have whitespace between the td and its contents. Not ideal.

                  By now I can almost get used to it, after this discussion, but I still think it is less than good.

                  • 6. Re: better editor for .xhtml in JBoss IDE - element wrapping

                    It's not going to help you guys much, but I need to mention that IntelliJ IDEA 6 supports Facelets quite well. I can auto-format XML files nicely, and after I mapped the namespace URLs to the schemas in the preferences, I got auto-completion for all tags.

                    • 7. Re: better editor for .xhtml in JBoss IDE - element wrapping

                      let me know if the JTidy>Format with JTidy (which is available if you right click on the .xml file) works better for you.

                      • 8. Re: better editor for .xhtml in JBoss IDE - element wrapping

                        These are .xhtml files, and JTidy doesn't show up for them as an option. It does show up as an option for .xml files though.

                        • 9. Re: better editor for .xhtml in JBoss IDE - element wrapping

                          Started using Exadel Studio 4.0.4 installed on top of JBoss IDE.

                          Much happier now with the Ctrl-Shift-F formatting of XHTML documents.

                          Very nice too if you're using Facelets for templating.

                          • 10. Re: better editor for .xhtml in JBoss IDE - element wrapping

                            ooh - afaik its the exact same editor ,)

                            guess not...

                            • 11. Re: better editor for .xhtml in JBoss IDE - element wrapping

                              Ok, we're comparing JBoss IDE downloaded a couple of months ago versus then to it adding Exadel Studio downloaded this week.

                              So different, even a blind cow would see the difference.

                              Maybe that's merged into JBoss IDE now? I didn't check last month.

                              I know you work there, I guess you must have so much stuff installed on your machine you just couldn't keep track of it any more?

                              • 12. Re: better editor for .xhtml in JBoss IDE - element wrapping

                                we changed the xml editors in jbosside to WTP about 1.5-2 years ago.

                                Exadel uses the same editor (and hence formatter)

                                I can't see (technically) why there should be a difference.

                                But again, as long as it works for you ,)

                                • 13. Re: better editor for .xhtml in JBoss IDE - element wrapping

                                  So when I right-click on the my.xhtml there is an option Open With > Exadel HTML Editor.

                                  That one also at the bottom has tabs "Visual/Source", "Visual" and "Source".

                                  That's quite different than Open With > HTML Editor or Oprn With > XML Editor, which are the JBoss IDE editors I think you're talking about.

                                  "Visual/Source" gives WYSIWYG together with XML, split window. Is pretty smart about Facelets too. Did JBoss IDE do that all the time and I didn't notice? Nah.

                                  • 14. Re: better editor for .xhtml in JBoss IDE - element wrapping

                                    No, exadel is the one with the visual editor.

                                    But the editor in the source tab is the *exact* same editor provided by WTP.

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