0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 13, 2007 8:10 AM by kindor

    EJB3 container services not available withing listener ?


      I'm doing file upload and have implemented it the way it is suggested here:


      On the view I have this code to do upload:

      <t:inputFileUpload storage="file" immediate="true">
       <f:valueChangeListener type="com.myorg.foo.UploadListener" />

      The listener that processes the upload is something like :
      public class UploadListener implements ValueChangeListener {
       public void processValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) throws AbortProcessingException {
       // Upload and do something with uploadedFile

      With the listener being a POJO, everything works OK.

      Now I have changed to code of the UploadListener to do some logging and save the file to a location depending on the username. So to me it sounds like making it an EJB3 component is the best approach:

      public class UploadListener implements ValueChangeListener {
       private Log log;
       private EntityManager em;
       @In User user;
       public void processValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) throws AbortProcessingException {
       if (log == null) System.out.println("Log is null !!" );
       if (em == null) System.out.println("EntityManager is null !!" );
       if (user == null) System.out.println("User is null !!" );
       // Upload and do something with uploadedFile

      But here where I have a surprise. I'm getting:
      Error EntityManager is null !!
      User is null !!
      Log is null !!

      I have tried to make it implement a local empty interface as well, but still no success.
      Am I doing the right thing ? Any idea ?
