1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 21, 2007 10:36 PM by norman.richards

    log.fatal(Object object, Throwable t, Object... params) is l


      I might missing something, but when I call log.fatal(Object object, Throwable t, Object... params) methode, I can't find a message in the logfile or console.

      Setting the log level to DEBUG suddenly brings the message to the log. And yes, it is logged with debug level.

      Analysing the seam source code, I found this little piece of code in the Class org.jboss.seam.log.Log4JProvider at line 130, which might be guilty in the first degree. I guess a typical cut-and-paste error:

       public void fatal(Object object, Throwable t)
       logger.log( getFQCN(), Level.DEBUG, object, t);

      To see fatal messages with stacktraces only when debug level is activated might be ...ähm... a little bit fatal ;-)

      Seam version used: 1.2.0Patch1