4 Replies Latest reply on Mar 22, 2007 5:27 AM by hasc

    formatting of html source code



      i 'd like to know if theres a way to get a better formatting of the rendered html pages (.seam). So far there are no line breaks and tabs.

      Thanks a lot.

        • 1. Re: formatting of html source code

          I found out that the rendered HTML-Code is formatted if i disable the ajax4jsf filter in web.xml

          is it a configuration matter or is there a way to use ajax4jsf within seam and still get the rendered code formatted?


          • 2. Re: formatting of html source code

            this has nothing to do with seam.

            after replacing the ajax4jsf.far with an actual version in der WEB-INF/lib the rendered source code was formatted "pretty".

            • 3. Re: formatting of html source code

              That is because in the newest version of ajax4jsf the "force parser" param is false by default (in the previous it was true). And that parser is really helpful cause it fixes broken html

              • 4. Re: formatting of html source code

                so, the formatting depends on this directive?

                what is the configuration directive and where do i have to put it? Or maybe can you give me a link to a reference of the possible configuration directives.

                Thanks and regards,