0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 6, 2007 9:54 AM by mugwump

    Simpler way of testing properly injected beans?!


      I'm currently using the following pattern for my seam-tests (taken from the examples):

      public void testCombinedQuery() throws Exception{
       new FacesRequest() {
       QueryManager queryManager;
       protected void updateModelValues()
       queryManager = (QueryManager)getInstance("queryManager");
       protected void renderResponse()
       Query query = new Query();
       query.setDays("'DAY1', 'DAY2'");
       int resultSize = queryManager.getNrOfQuestionsInQuery(query);
       assertEquals("Combined-Query did not return the correct Number of Questions", resultSize, COMBINEDQUERY_QUESTIONS);

      something without the code-overhead of the faces-request?!

      For most of the tests, all I want to do is get a seam-object with proper injections and then invoke some methods on it and test the results. Is there a simpler way to achieve something in the line of:

      public void testCombinedQuery(){
       queryManager = (QueryManager)getInstance("queryManager");
       Query query = new Query();
       query.setDays("'DAY1', 'DAY2'");
       int resultSize = queryManager.getNrOfQuestionsInQuery(query);
       assertEquals("Combined-Query did not return the correct Number of Questions", resultSize, COMBINEDQUERY_QUESTIONS);

      And another problem with testsuites: Two different testclasses in the same Test-Suite start/teardonw the embedded container twice - is there a way to have different tests in the same suite share the same embedded container?!