1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 17, 2007 8:04 AM by nstoddar

    What happens for exceptions in JPM transition actions?


      The title pretty much says it all --- what happens when an action triggered by a page transition throws an exception? Will it simply bubble-up to get handled somewhere, or can that be configured as part of the pageflow, or will the current page be displayed again?

      I'm thinking about the example in the documentation:

      <page name="displayGuess" view-id="/numberGuess.jsp">
       <transition name="guess" to="evaluateGuess">
       <action expression="#{numberGuess.guess}" />

        • 1. Re: What happens for exceptions in JPM transition actions?

          You can ignore this. I hit the submit button too soon, and just afterwords saw the "exception-handler" element. Can somebody shed any light on what the "script" element is used for? I'm assuming that the "action" expression gets evaluated and a transition takes place based on the return value. "exception-class" is obvious, but the "script" one is puzzling.