2 Replies Latest reply on Apr 25, 2007 3:07 AM by zdaler

    question : avoid conversation id parameter for RESTful appli


      I'm trying to create a RESTful application (starting from the blog example) but I'm having problem trying to get rid of the cid parameter :

      Using this in pages.xml

      <page view-id="/login.xhtml">
       <rule if="#{identity.loggedIn}">
       <redirect view-id="/workspace.xhtml" />

      Everything is fine in the server (no long running conversation is started) but after login, I'm redirected to /workspace.xhtml?cid=3 instead of /workspace.xhtml ...

      any hint on how to get rid of this cid parameter ?

        • 1. Re: question : avoid conversation id parameter for RESTful a

          Why do you need to get rid of this cid param? I wouldn't think that RESTful apps would care about it. The server shouldn't mind its absence, it's likely just a temporary conversation that is being exposed by the conversation filter.

          I suppose you could remove that filter, but again, why would you want to?

          • 2. Re: question : avoid conversation id parameter for RESTful a

            Thanks for your reply ...
            You're right, the RESTful nature of my application is not the only reason why I want to get rid of the cid when a redirect (from pages.xml) occurs ... I also want to make sure of the uniqueness of the urls (for many reasons, including the indexation of the site by search engine). That's why I don't want the "cid=xx" in urls, at least for some of my pages ...