1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 24, 2007 2:50 PM by pmuir

    Seam managed a4j:mediaOutput


      I'm not sure if this isnt possible or if I'm simply doing something wrong but I'm trying to use seam injected components with the mediaOutput tag.

      i.e. <a4j:mediaOutput element="img" cacheable="false" session="true" createContent="#{paintBean.paint}" mimeType="image/jpeg"/>

      where paintBean is a seam managed components.

      I am thinking that I cannot use seam components (as it would render the value parameter unnecessary anyway).

      I can use it without a problem adding the manage-bean definitions in faces-config.xml and then passing a value class so getting it working isnt the problem... It would just be VERY convenient to be able to use bijection in the bean creating the content rather than serializing a class in the value parameter since that only lets me inject a serializable class to the paint bean.
