4 Replies Latest reply on Nov 12, 2008 9:54 AM by red247

    form inside modalPanel



      I have to put a form around a selectOneListbox inside a modalPanel, in order to fetch the changed values and rerender another component inside the modalPanel in dependency of the selected item.

      Sadly my modalpanel dissappears after submiting the subform, although my valueChangeListener is called correctly. I have no forms around the ModalPanel and 1 form for the panel content, plus another form around my checkbox. Check my code:

      <rich:modalPanel id="assignForecastModal" styleClass="modalPanel"
       width="600" height="500">
       <h:form id="assignForecastForm">
       <!-- SOME CONTENT -->
      <h:form id="listboxForm">
      <h:selectOneListbox valueChangeListener="#forecastBean.getNewForecastTaskDescription}"
      id="taskForecast" onchange="document.forms[1].submit();" size="1"
      styleClass="formularfeld" value="#{forecastBean.forecast.fk_ref_task}">
      <f:selectItems value="#{forecastBean.forecastTasks}" />
       <!-- SOME MORE CONTENT -->

      Please share any helpful suggestions.