2 Replies Latest reply on Apr 26, 2007 6:34 PM by mikedougherty

    <s:cache /> and <h:selectOneListBox />'s


      I'm having a bit of trouble using the s:cache JSF component in combination with my h:selectOneListBox's.

      If I place the <s:cache /> tags just after the <ui:define /> tags (just like the Blog example shows), like so

      <ui:define name="body">
       <s:cache key="index" region="pageFragments">
       <h:form id="foo">
       <h:selectOneListBox id="foo" value="#{myFoo}">
       <si:selectItems var="foo" value="#{fooList.resultList}" />
       <h:commandButton id="select" action="#{select}" value="Select Foo">
       <h:form id="bar">
       <h:selectOneListBox id="bar" value="#{myBar}">
       <si:selectItems var="bar" value="#{barList.resultList}" />
       <h:commandButton id="select" action="#{select}" value="Select Bar">

      I can select an item from one of the lists and submit the form once. But when I come back to the page I have "" text in the page, and can no longer submit any of the forms on the page.

      If I put the <s:cache /> tag directly around each <h:selectOneListBox />

      <ui:define name="body">
       <h:form id="foo">
       <s:cache key="index-foo" region="pageFragments">
       <h:selectOneListBox id="foo" value="#{myFoo}">
       <si:selectItems var="foo" value="#{fooList.resultList}" />
       <h:commandButton id="select" action="#{select}" value="Select Foo">
       <h:form id="bar">
       <s:cache key="index-bar" region="pageFragments">
       <h:selectOneListBox id="bar" value="#{myBar}">
       <si:selectItems var="bar" value="#{barList.resultList}" />
       <h:commandButton id="select" action="#{select}" value="Select Bar">

      I can submit the forms but, I have to click the submit button twice. The first time I get "value is not valid" (as if there was no selected item). Pressing the button again, submits the form.

      Is there something special I have to do in order to get the <s:cache /> to work with my <h:selectOneListBox /> tags?