0 Replies Latest reply on May 8, 2007 3:38 AM by tony.herstell1

    Facelets checking against the value of an Enum... HowTo?


      I want to do this within a .xhtml page

      <s:fragment rendered="#{advertisingCampaignController.currentSectionWorkingOn == AdvertisingCampaignController.Section.NameDescription}">

      where Section.NameDescription is part of an Enum...
       public enum Section {None, NameDescription, AdType, Targeting, Keywords, Budget, LaunchDate, DestinationURL, Billing};

      Does anyone know how to do this as I really dont want to do this:
      <s:fragment rendered="#{advertisingCampaignController.currentSectionWorkingOn == 'NameDescription'}">

      as it seems uncool!