2 Replies Latest reply on May 18, 2007 4:02 PM by tony.herstell1

    SEAM BUG in pages.xml


      Can SEAM check the paths to pages on startup and warn if pages.xml contains unknown pages (and also duplicate entries for pages !!!).

      This would be really useful!

      I FINALLY found the bug as to why my workspace picker was not working! WAHOOO!

      I had this :

       <page view-id="/userRegistration.xhtml" timeout="300000">
       Reason: Registration of new User

       <page view-id="/pages/user/userRegistration.xhtml">

      When I should have had this:

       <page view-id="/pages/user/userRegistration.xhtml" timeout="300000">
       Reason: Registration of new User

      I think Seam was just taking the last one of the two and ignores the first.

      SO TWO problems :

      Seam allows duplicate pages (ignoring the first causing difficult to find bugs!)
      Seam does not check paths to pages (so you plough on thinking all is ok!)