1 Reply Latest reply on May 20, 2007 5:02 PM by norman.richards

    bijection fundamentals


      i have a stateless bean scoped Event


      i want to use the pages.xml file to include a parameter and execute a method

      <param name="option" value="#{mybean.option}"/>
      <action execute="#{mybean.dowork}"/>

      the do work uses the option field in the bean to fill the values of a field which is to be outjected for use in a facelet

      everytime i try to do this i get following exception:
      21:08:56,531 ERROR [DebugPageHandler] redirecting to debug page
      org.jboss.seam.RequiredException: @Out attribute requires non-null value: mybean.outVariable

      if i set the scope to session or i fill the outVariable in the setter method of the option field it works. i wonder why in the event scope the bean tries to outject the value.

      is it maybe the case that in/outjection happens after every single method call, regardless of the used scope ?