1 2 Previous Next 21 Replies Latest reply on Jun 11, 2007 8:49 AM by matt.drees

    @In (create=true)


      I am recieving an error when I load my "gameHome" component. The error is as follows:

      org.jboss.seam.RequiredException: In attribute requires non-null value: gameHome.oppTeamHome

      My seam component is delcared as follows:

      public class GameHome extends EntityHome<Game> {
       @In(create = true) TeamHome oppTeamHome;

      Is my understanding that if I use create=true that the instance will be created if it's value is null. Am I missing something?

        • 1. Re: @In (create=true)

          Yes, it should be. Show TeamHome.java.

          • 2. Re: @In (create=true)

            Here is the important part from TeamHome.java (as generated by seam-gen)

            public class TeamHome extends EntityHome<Team> {

            private static final long serialVersionUID = -6503138100502127742L;
            @In(create = true)
            ClubHome clubHome;
            @In(create = true)
            GradeHome gradeHome;

            should the @Name here match the @In attributes name from GameHome.java?

            • 3. Re: @In (create=true)

              The reason I have changed

               @In (create=true) TeamHome teamHome;


               @In (create=true) TeamHome oppTeamHome;

              is because I also have a second TeamHome attribute in GameHome.java

              @In(create = true) TeamHome oppTeamHome;
              @In(create = true)
              RoundHome roundHome;
              @In(create = true)
              GroundHome groundHome;
              @In(create = true) TeamHome homeTeamHome;

              Do i need to rename TeamHome.java to OppTeamHome.java and make another similar class called HomeTeamHome.java.

              My database table Game has multiple foreign keys to the same table Team.

              • 4. Re: @In (create=true)


                @In(create=true, value="contextVariableName")


                • 5. Re: @In (create=true)

                  I have tried this with the same results.

                  • 6. Re: @In (create=true)

                    What do you want? Two local fields referencing the _same instance_ of the TeamHome component or two instances?

                    • 7. Re: @In (create=true)

                      They should both be referencing 2 separate instances.

                      • 8. Re: @In (create=true)

                        Interesting, I don't think this is actually possible.

                        • 9. Re: @In (create=true)

                          I should have said They should both be referencing a separate instance each.
                          not 2 instances each if that is not clear.

                          I have a set up simplified to the following.

                          Table Game
                          home_team_id --> fkey to table team field team_id
                          opp_team_id --> fkey to table team field team_id

                          Table Team


                          Table Game
                          game_id | home_team_id | opp_team_id
                          1 | 1 | 2
                          2 | 3 | 2

                          Table Team
                          team_id | team_name
                          1 | Team A
                          2 | Team B
                          3 | Team C

                          So what I want is to have is for the record with game_id 1 should have homeTeamHome pointing to an instance of team with team_id 1 (Team A) and oppTeamHome pointing to an instance of team with team_id 2 (Team B).

                          So from my facelet page i could reference Team B by #{gameHome.oppTeamHome.instance.team_name} and Team A by #{gameHome.homeTeamHome.instance.team_name}

                          • 10. Re: @In (create=true)

                            Do you really need this to be TeamHome components? If you are not editing the Team entity instances, you could just reference them directly in GameHome for display.

                            • 11. Re: @In (create=true)

                              I will also be adding new games to the table, The reason I am using the Home components is because this is the way seam gen did it for other table I have generated (they only had single foreign keys to any other table). I would like the option to be able to click a button to add an oponent team to the game and click a button to add a home team to the game, the same way seam gen does it. I will look into a direct reference to the entity from Game Home.

                              • 12. Re: @In (create=true)

                                In the end to get it working i duplicated TeamHome.java and renamed the original too.

                                Now i have HomeTeamHome.java and OppTeamHome.java

                                with seam names



                                With a few changes to TeamList.xhtml, TeamList.page.xml, GameEdit.xhtml and GameEdit.page.xml (based on the versions generated by seam gen) I got the desired result.


                                <param name="oppTeamTeamId" value="#{oppTeamHome.teamTeamId}"/>
                                <param name="homeTeamTeamId" value="#{homeTeamHome.teamTeamId}"/>

                                (changes in bold/red)
                                <div class="actionButtons">
                                 <s:button value="Select Away Team"
                                 <f:param name="from" value="GameEdit"/>
                                 <f:param name="forOppTeam" value="1"/>


                                <div class="actionButtons">
                                 <s:button value="Select Home Team"
                                 <f:param name="from" value="GameEdit"/>
                                 <f:param name="forHomeTeam" value="1"/>


                                <param name="forOppTeam"/>
                                <param name="forHomeTeam"/>


                                <s:link view="/#{empty from ? 'Team' : from}.xhtml"
                                 id="team" rendered="#{not empty forOppTeam}">
                                 <f:param name="oppTeamTeamId" value="#{team.teamId}"/>
                                 <s:link view="/#{empty from ? 'Team' : from}.xhtml"
                                 id="team" rendered="#{not empty forHomeTeam}">
                                 <f:param name="homeTeamTeamId" value="#{team.teamId}"/>

                                There is probably a nicer way to do the last block without making 2 separate links and only rendering the appropriate one based on the forXXXXTeam value being used. But my JSF knowledge is pretty minimal at the moment. A rendered attribute for the f:param tag would have been nice.

                                Thanks for all of your help

                                • 13. Re: @In (create=true)

                                  Why couldn't you use @Role to define 2 known context names for the same component? There is an example in the Seam Docs.

                                  • 14. Re: @In (create=true)

                                    It would be nice that since OppTeamHome.java and HomeTeamHome.java are identical except for the class name and the seam @Name that I would be able to use a single class for both instances.

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