12 Replies Latest reply on Aug 6, 2007 10:19 AM by knaas

    howto display the an enum object internationalized



      i have some trouble displaying an enum item internationalized. i look for something like that:

      <h:outputText value="#{messages[enumObject]}"/>
      <h:outputText value="#{messages[enumObject]}">


      enumObject is a valueBinding to a corresponing getter method which returns an enum object.

      both ways didn't work for me. does anyone know a way to realize it?

      thanks an regards,

        • 1. Re: howto display the an enum object internationalized

          This is an example of an approach I have used for drop-down lists. Each constant is instantiated with the key defined in the messages properties file:

          public enum Salutation {
           private String labelKey;
           Salutation(String labelKey) {
           this.labelKey = labelKey;
           public String getLabelKey() {
           return labelKey;

          Need to create a factory to return array of enum values to view

          public class Factories {
           public Salutation[] getSalutationTypes() {
           return Salutation.values();

          <f:selectOneMenu id="salutations" value="#{backingBean.salutation}">
           <s:selectItems value="#{salutationTypes}" var="salutation" label="#{messages[salutation.labelKey]}"/>
           <s:convertEnum />

          I appreciate this doesn't answer your query directly but it may give you a few clues.

          • 2. Re: howto display the an enum object internationalized

            thanks for your reply.

            this approach may be a solution but i would appreciate a way where i don't have to "carry" the label in the model. i defined the enumeration like that:

            public enum MyEnum {

            now i m looking for a solution where i can display the label internationalized. But if theres no way i will take your solution. so thanks...

            • 3. Re: howto display the an enum object internationalized

              Smurfs isn't putting the label in the model, rather the key to the model. Using jboss-el you could do

              <f:selectOneMenu value="#{backingBean.salutation}">
               <s:selectItems value="#{salutations}" var="salutation" label="#{messages[salutation.name()]}"/>
               <s:convertEnum />

              with the factory as Smurfs said. You then get have to provide keys for VALUE1, VALUE2 etc.

              • 4. Re: howto display the an enum object internationalized

                sorry, "rather the key for the label in the the model."

                • 5. Re: howto display the an enum object internationalized

                  i tried it an it works fine.


                  • 6. Re: howto display the an enum object internationalized


                    What could be the problem when your example works "one-way". I see the labels fine but when I it goes back into the model I get an IllegalArgumentException. Just like it would be trying to put the entire enumeration back into the bound string.

                    The documentation is not that verbose on the use of ...

                    • 7. Re: howto display the an enum object internationalized

                      Post your code :)

                      • 8. Re: howto display the an enum object internationalized


                        "pete.muir@jboss.org" wrote:
                        Post your code :)

                        public enum FilterType {
                         private String key
                         Suodatustyyppi(String key) {
                         this.key = key
                         public String getKey() {
                         return key;

                         <ice:selectOneRadio value="#{orderBean.filter}">
                         <s:selectItems value="#{orderBean.filterTypes}" var="filter"
                         <s:convertEnum />

                        PS. Do you work full-time answering questions here? :) Much appreciated for a fresh seam-convert in any case...

                        • 9. Re: howto display the an enum object internationalized

                          ngh, missed on the preview/submit

                           public FilterType[] getFilterTypes() {
                           return FilterType.values();
                          The radio button would be pointing into a String

                          • 10. Re: howto display the an enum object internationalized

                            Sometimes it feels like it.

                            so orderBean.filter is a String? It should be an Enum

                            FilterType filter;

                            • 11. Re: howto display the an enum object internationalized

                              What we do is the following:

                              public enum GenderEnum {
                               FEMALE, MALE;
                               public final static String translatedGenders[][] = {
                               {"Female", "Male"},
                               {"Vroulik", "Manlik"},
                               {"Female - Zulu", "Male -Zulu"},
                               {"Female - ndebele", "Male - ndebele"},
                               {"Female - xhosa", "Male - xhosa"},
                               {"Female - sotho", "Male - sotho"},
                               {"Mosadi", "Monna"},
                               {"Female - setswana", "Male - setswana"},
                               {"Female - siswati", "Male - siswati"},
                               {"Female - venda", "Male - venda"},
                               {"Female - songa", "Male - songa"} };

                              Which is then accessed (in Java or JSF)


                              If you want to get a specific translation for a specific enum.



                              • 12. Re: howto display the an enum object internationalized

                                What we did was to create an EnumConverter that uses the resource bundle for internationalization. We just defined a convention "packagename.classname.enumvalue=Some text".
                                If we find something in the resource bundle, use it, otherwise just use the toString value of the enum.

                                Something like this code.

                                 public String getAsString(final FacesContext context, final UIComponent component, final Object object) throws ConverterException
                                 String retVal = null;
                                 if (object instanceof Enum)
                                 Enum instance = (Enum)object;
                                 final String resourceKey = instance.getClass().getName() + "." + instance.name();
                                 retVal = ResourceBundle.instance().getString(resourceKey);
                                 catch (MissingResourceException e)
                                 if (StringUtils.isEmpty(retVal))
                                 retVal = instance.name();
                                 return retVal;