6 Replies Latest reply on Jun 18, 2007 7:11 AM by baz

    SeamPDF and generating tables fails after some iterations


      we have to generate PDF pages for fieldplans. The application can be found here:

      The app shows the fieldplans in html and it can generate pdf documents for it.
      JBoss Seam 1.2.1GA with JBoss AS 4.0.5GA

      Our problem: You can view the fieldplans (A table with variable Columns) correctly, but after some time you see only one row with one column. This problem stays until a restart of the jboss server.
      Is this problem already known?
      Here comes our facelets code (for the PDF pages):

      <p:table headerRows="1" widthPercentage="100" horizontalAlignment="left">
       <f:facet name="defaultCell">
       <p:cell horizontalAlignment="center" grayFill="1.0" borderWidth="0" />
      <p:cell horizontalAlignment="left">
      <p:font size="18">
      <p:paragraph spacingAfter="10" >
       <p:text value="Fieldplan" />
       value="  ExperimentId: #{experimentSiteList.selExperimentSite.experiment.experimentId}" />
       <ui:repeat value="#{expFieldplanList.printPlotlist}" var="print">
       <ui:repeat value="#{expFieldplanList.printPlotlist}" var="print">
       <p:table columns="#{print.columnIndex}" headerRows="1"
       widthPercentage="95" horizontalAlignment="left"
       widths="#{print.columnwidth}" >
       <f:facet name="defaultCell">
       <p:cell horizontalAlignment="center" grayFill="1.0">
       <p:cell alignment="center">Lanes>
      Plots V</p:cell>
       <ui:repeat value="#{print.plothead}" var="head">
       <p:text value="#{head}" />
       <ui:repeat value="#{print.plotlist}" var="lanes">
       <p:text value="#{lanes.lineIndex}" />
       <ui:repeat value="#{lanes.line}" var="plot">
       <p:table columns="1">
       <f:facet name="defaultCell">
       <p:cell horizontalAlignment="center" grayFill="1.0"
       borderWidth="0" />
       <p:text value="#{plot.treatmentCode}" />
       value="#{plot.holderFaocode} #{plot.accessionNumber}" />
       <p:text value="#{plot.accessionName}" />
       <p:font size="8" style="italic">
       value="A. #{plot.species} #{plot.subspecies} #{plot.varietas}" />
       <p:cell colspan="#{expFieldplanList.columnIndex}"></p:cell>

      I ommit the code for the html page sibnce this page is similar. It constructs the table out of HTML tags(tr,td,table).
      We have no idea where this problem comes from.