1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 3, 2007 6:04 PM by pmuir

    Access messages for a component from el

      I am removing tomahawk from my application.

      One of the tags that I use is <t:buffer>

       <t:buffer into="#{errorFieldMessage}"><h:message for="#{id}" /></t:buffer>
       <h:inputText title="#{errorFieldMessage}"
       class="#{width} #{(! empty errorFieldMessage) ? 'redbg' : ''}"

      I do this to have the error message as a title to the input so that it will appear with it is moused over without any extra javascript. I also use it to change the color of the the text in the field if an error is found.

      What is the best way to do this with seam?

      Is there a way to access the message for a specific component using el?