2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 17, 2007 9:23 PM by handsomeli

    how can i save a task with variables?

      I can modify the properties of task and let it saved in database , the same as the sample jboss-seam-todo does:

      <h:inputText value="#{task.description}" size="16" />

      However, I fail to save variables of a task in database(I can only modify it in memory, next time the user login , he can not see the modification anymore!)
      <h:inputText value="#{task.variables['event'].desc}" size="16" />

      where 'event' come from
      public class MakeAction implements Make, Serializable {
       @Out(scope=ScopeType.BUSINESS_PROCESS, required=false)
       Event event = new Event();
       @CreateProcess(definition = "itsm")
       public String make() {
       return "login";
       public Event getEvent() {
       return event;
       public void setEvent(Event event) {
       this.event = event;

      What should i do?
      Thanks !