1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 13, 2007 11:20 AM by pmuir

    Need urgent help : tomcatSeam2_0 and tomcat6


      Hello their

      How do you integrate seam into tomcat
      I have tried to follow the documentation of seam
      Thi sis what I did:

      1) I have set the location of your Tomcat 6.0 installation in the build.properties file in the root folder of your Seam installation

      (25.5.1. Installing Embedded JBoss)

      2) I have copied all files and directories under the Embedded JBoss bootstrap and lib directories, except for the jndi.properties file, into the Tomcat lib directory.

      Removed the annotations-api.jar file from the Tomcat lib directory.

      3) I heve added the Embedded JBoss listener to conf/server.xml.

      For the WAR file scanning to be enabled I added a listener to conf/context.xml.

      4) Then I go to

      and do ant deploy.tomcat
      [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\EclipseJbossSeam\jboss4_2\server\default\deploy

      -- I already see maybe one problem why doesn't ant build my file into tomcat ????

      5) If I decompress the jboss-seam-registration.ear and put the war file under tomcat6/webapps I get the following error

      Error listenerStart
      13 juil. 2007 12:15:12 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start
      GRAVE: Erreur de dÚmarrage du contexte [/jboss-seam-registration] suite aux erre
      urs prÚcÚdentes

      What am I missing ???

      Do I need to embed ejb3 and if so how ????

      I am not far from dropping seam if I don't find a solution so don't hesitate to answer me (I have a deadline soon)

      My mail is icapidees@yahoo.fr

      Thank's in advance

      What can I do to fix it ???

      Thanks in advance,