3 Replies Latest reply on Oct 12, 2007 9:17 AM by davidintx

    4N queries for dvdstore admin page/mange orders tab

      I played with the jbpm integration this week, and I must say, it is fantastic. The ease with which I can just @CreateProcess, @BeginTask, and @EndTask is really nice. There is one thing that could perhaps be improved. I noticed that when viewing processes and tasks, a large number of queries seem to be run. As I developed my code after looking at the dvd store example, I went back to that example, and found the same issue there. In particular, in the dvdstore example, I set the process to 2 (approve all orders) and checked out from the store three different times. Then on the admin page, I clicked on the "manage orders" tab, and saw the three orders under "Task Assigment", which is where they should be. 31 queries were required to show this tab. I checked out one more time, and 35 queries were required to show the tab, and after I checked out one more time, 39 queries were needed.

      This seems bad. Would it be possible to modify the dvd store example so that it doesn't run require 4N queries?