0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 1, 2007 6:27 AM by szaccaria

    check if entity is change


      Hi to all,
      It is possible to know if a entity it is changed after submit a form and first the entityManager flush this change in db? I make this kind of question because I need to controll if a entity be changed from the user, so I can sign a flag.

      Morover I have the follow SFSB

      public class Gestione implements GestioneI {
       @PersistenceContext(type = PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED)
       EntityManager entityManager;
       @Out(scope = ScopeType.CONVERSATION, required = false)
       Documento doc;
       @In(required = false)
       Long idDocumento;
       @In(required = false)
       TaskInstance taskInstance;
       private Actor actor;
       private Log log;
       private List<TaskInstance> taskInstacesResponsabile;
       private TaskInstance task;
       private String tab;
       public String iniziaValutazioneDoc(String tab) {
       String out = continuaValutazioneDoc(tab);
       return out;
       public String continuaValutazioneDoc(String tab) {
       this.tab = tab;
       doc = (Documento) entityManager.createQuery("select distinct d from Documento d where d.id = :id").setParameter("id", idDocumento).getSingleResult();
       return "/documento.xhtml";
       @EndTask(transition = "confermato")
       public String chiudiValutazioneDoc(String tab) {
       if (taskInstance.getStart() == null)
       this.tab = tab;
       return "/todo2.xhtml";
       @EndTask(transition = "confermato")
       public String confermaAInterno(String tab) {
       taskInstance.setVariable(getTrackVariableNameForActor(actor), actor.getId());
       this.tab = tab;
       return "/todo.xhtml";
       public String sospendiValutazioneDoc(String tab) {
       this.tab = tab;
       return "/todo2.xhtml";
       public void destroy() {
       public void caricaTasksInCarico() {
       JbpmContext context = ManagedJbpmContext.instance();
       taskInstacesResponsabile = context.getSession().createQuery(
       "select ti "+
       "from org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance ti, "+
       " org.jbpm.context.exe.VariableInstance vi join vi.processInstance pi " +
       "where " +
       " pi.end = null and " +
       " ti.token.processInstance = pi and " +
       " vi.name = :track and " +
       " vi.value = :trackValue and " +
       " ( ti.actorId = null or ti.actorId != :actorId ) and " +
       " ti.isOpen = true" ).setString("track", getTrackVariableNameForActor(actor)).setString("trackValue",actor.getId()).setString("actorId", actor.getId()).list();
       for (Iterator iter = taskInstacesResponsabile.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
       TaskInstance element = (TaskInstance) iter.next();
       log.error("TaskInstance n° #0 di #1", element.getId(), element.getActorId());
       * Genero il documento pdf in memoria
       public String stampaDocumento() {
       FacesContext faces = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
       ByteArrayOutputStream bAOS = PdfUtility.stampaPDF(doc);
       HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) faces.getExternalContext().getResponse();
       response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "Attachment; filename=\"" + doc.getClifor() + "_" + doc.getNumdoc() + ".pdf" + "\"");
       try {
       ServletOutputStream out;
       out = response.getOutputStream();
       } catch (IOException e) {
       return null;
       public String consultazioneDocumento( String tab) {
       doc = (Documento) entityManager.createQuery("select distinct d from Documento d where d.id = :id").setParameter("id", task.getVariable("idDocumento"))
       this.tab = tab;
       return "/documento.xhtml";
       public String salvaDocumento() {
       return null;
       public TaskInstance getTaskInstance() {
       return taskInstance;
       public void setTaskInstance(TaskInstance taskInstance) {
       this.taskInstance = taskInstance;
       * Mi torna il nome della variabile track per l'utente actor
       private String getTrackVariableNameForActor(Actor actor) {
       String sActor = actor.getId();
       StringBuffer trackBuff = new StringBuffer();
       if (sActor != null && sActor.trim().length() > 1) {
       trackBuff.append(sActor.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase());
       return trackBuff.toString();

      when I call from a xhtml page the action: gestione.stampaDocumento

       style="border: none;"

      The possible change that user made to the endity are flush in to the db, although i don't end the conversation, ( flushMode=FlushModeType.MANUAL is set in al @starttask )

      Thanks !!!