3 Replies Latest reply on Aug 21, 2007 11:46 AM by pmuir

    SelectItems with noSelectionLabel not resetting to null on s


      I've pulled down the latest successful build of Seam from August 17th, but am still having issues with this particular drop down list. When the page loads, I choose an item from the list and submit the form. Everything performs as expected. The next time I load the page, the previous item is already selected, as expected since I'm running inside a conversation. When I go back and choose "-- Select --" from the dropdown list, which is the noSelectionLabel, my SFSB field is not reset to null, but retains its old value.

      Any suggestions on this? Do you want me to submit this as a bug?

       <h:outputLabel value="Requesting Strat. Unit:" for="StrategicUnit"/>
       <h:selectOneMenu id="StrategicUnit" value="#{search.strategicUnit}">
       <s:selectItems var="strategicUnit" value="#{strategicUnitsList}"
       label="#{strategicUnit.title}" noSelectionLabel="-- Select --"/>

        • 1. Re: SelectItems with noSelectionLabel not resetting to null

          I can't reproduce this in CVS: Using the ui example I am able to select a title, exit the conversation, go back to the page, select please select, and see that selected on the refreshed page and subsequent visits.

          • 2. Re: SelectItems with noSelectionLabel not resetting to null

            The difference between your example and mine is that I am not exiting the conversation.

            When I load my start page, the conversation begins. I click on a link in my search results and that record is loaded in a 'view' screen. When I go back to the search screen, I'm still in my conversation and my search results are present.

            This is possibly an incorrect use of a conversation. It works well for what I desire to show on the screen and limit my hits to the database, but I'm also in a state where the conversation never really ends.

            • 3. Re: SelectItems with noSelectionLabel not resetting to null

              I still can't reproduce, whether or not I end the conversation. Can you either provide steps to reproduce on one of the examples or submit a simple testcase with instructions on how to reproduce?