1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 22, 2007 5:09 AM by pmuir

    EntityConverter documentation flaw


      After 2 hours of wondering what I did wrong, error was in documentation.
      I was trying to use <s:convertEntity /> and get null pointer exception all the time.

      Bottom of line is

      in seam documentation
      in section <s:convertEntity />

      If your Managed Persistence Context isn't called entityManager, then you need to set it in components.xml: (my case)

      <component name="org.jboss.seam.ui.entityConverter">
       <property name="entityManager">#{em}</property>

      Problem was solved when I put (big E instead of small e)
      <component name="org.jboss.seam.ui.EntityConverter">
       <property name="entityManager">#{em}</property>

      Should documentation change or should code change?