1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 5, 2007 7:15 AM by braddm7

    Is it possible to use @In with immediate=


      Hello, again.

      I am developing a page which is used to edit an invoice @Entity(conversation scoped) that has a couple collection properties in it. In order to manage the collections I prefer using the attribute "immediate" = "true" of the <h:commandLink ../> in order to skip <s:validateAll />. As I am not willing to submit the invoice to be saved at that moment. So far so good, but the @In object that I want to add to the collection is not injected any more-simply NULL. After setting "immediate" to "false" it is injected again, but the whole validation goes - it is not a surprise.
      Please give me an advice how to use Seam-Hibernate-based validation in such a scenario.