1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 10, 2007 6:00 PM by pmuir

    Checkbox in rich:datatable


      This might be an easy one for experienced users.
      I converted to a rich:datatable and I see a minor problem that I can't put my finger on.

      I'm trying to do crud on a single page, so i have the datatable with these cols

      name active

      abc(hyperlink) chkbox (disabled)

      The checkbox code

      <rich:column align="center" > <h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="rcActiveCatalog" value="#{_catalog.active}" disabled="true"/></rich:column>

      is tied to an entity column

      @Column (name="active", nullable=false, length=1)
      private boolean active;

      When I click the link, it shows the detail in a separate form. The problem I'm experiencing is that after a successful update, the checkbox value in the rich datatable is not updated immediately, if I click any name hyperlink again, it is updated. the updates for the name field display ok. This did not happen with the regular h:datatable
      Any hints for me ?
      I'm using ajax4jsf-1.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar and richfaces-3.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
