5 Replies Latest reply on Sep 24, 2007 5:38 AM by pmuir

    s:graphicImage and s:transformImage VERY, VERY slow


      I've got an object of blog which contains a collection of blog_photos. The blog_photos are persisted in a mysql db as binary data. This works great. When I render the view, the s:graphicImage takes an enormous amount of time to render. At first, I thought, it was the transform but that only adds a second. Here's the code:

      <rich:dataGrid value="#{blog.photo}" var="blogPhoto"
       <rich:panel rendered="#{blogPhoto ne null}">
       <s:graphicImage value="#{blogPhoto.data}"
       style="border: 1px;"
       rendered="#{blogPhoto ne null}" styleClass="boxed">
       <s:transformImageSize height="97" maintainRatio="true" />
       <rich:toolTip followMouse="true" direction="top-right"
       value="#{blogPhoto.photoDescription}" horizontalOffset="-50"
       <s:graphicImage value="#{blogPhoto.data}"
       style="border: 1px;"
       rendered="#{blogPhoto ne null}" styleClass="boxed">
       <s:transformImageSize height="450" maintainRatio="true" />
      I'm sure this is the cause b/c when I comment out the code, the page renders in a second. With 12 images or so, i takes about 12 seconds.
      Thanks for your help.