3 Replies Latest reply on Oct 27, 2007 6:43 AM by pmuir

    Pageflows with RESTful URLs

      Has anyone tried using these two together? I can't seem to get parameters to propagate across redirects when in a pageflow. If I try to forgo the transition in the pageflow and point an s:link directly to the page using the view property, I get "Illegal Naviation" errors.


      <start-page name="addressSearch" view-id="/addresslookup.xhtml">
       <transition name="viewServiceRequests" to="serviceRequestListing">
       <action expression="#{addressLocator.viewServiceRequests}"/>
       <transition name="viewServiceRequest" to="serviceRequest"/>
      <page name="serviceRequest" view-id="/servicerequest.xhtml"
       <transition name="viewAssignments" to="assignmentListing"/>

      I get the same behavior even when I remove the redirect.

      <page view-id="/servicerequest.xhtml">
       <param name="serviceRequestId" value="#{serviceRequestManager.serviceRequestId}"
       <begin-conversation join="true"/>
       <action execute="#{serviceRequestManager.loadServiceRequest(serviceRequestManager.serviceRequestId)}"/>

      This link is not propagating the serviceRequestId parameter, only the conversation id
      <s:link action="viewServiceRequest"
       <f:param name="serviceRequestId" value="#{req.serviceRequestId}" />

      This link gives me an "Illegal Navigation" error message inserted into FacesMessages
      <s:link view="/servicerequest.xhtml"
       <f:param name="serviceRequestId" value="#{req.serviceRequestId}" />

      What the heck am i doing wrong?

      I am running Seam 2 CR1 with RichFaces 3.1.1 Snapshot from 9-24-2007

        • 1. Re: Pageflows with RESTful URLs

          I'm not sure that pageflows with restful urls make sense - a pageflow is by nature stateful and doesn't store its state in request parameters.

          I'm guessing what you are trying to do is provide links which when bookmarked and revisited would kick the user back to the start of the pageflow?

          • 2. Re: Pageflows with RESTful URLs

            Exactly. I can get state information to the user fine without page actions or any RESTful behavior. I just wanted the resulting page to be bookmarkable.

            Its a master/detail type of search and would like the detail record/page to be able to be bookmarked.

            • 3. Re: Pageflows with RESTful URLs

              Please file a feature request for this, it's a reasonable request :)