1 2 Previous Next 18 Replies Latest reply on Nov 30, 2007 6:52 AM by gazadonf

    Problems with links in pageflow pages based on templates



      In a Seam application, I use JPDL to define pageflows. All pages of my application use facelet templates. Transitions modeled in my pageflow work well, but I have a problem with links defined with s:link component in my template (for example a link to home page in a header) : Seam throws a "Illegal navigation" error.

      I understood this message is thrown because there is no transition to home page modeled in my pageflow. But I can't do this because when I model my pageflow I have no idea which links will exist in the templates my pageflow pages will be based on.

      I found two solutions for this, but I am fully happy with none of them ...

      1 - I added propagation="node" attribute to s:link :

      <s:link view="/home" value="Accueil" propagation="none" />

      The problem with this solution is that it keeps conversations opened, while I'd like them to be closed.

      2 - I added propagation="end" attribute to s:link

      <s:link view="/home" value="Accueil" propagation="end" />

      With this solution, the conversations end. But the problem is I have to click the link twice to go to home page :
      - The first click ends the conversation
      - The second click redirects to the home page.

      Does anyone have a solution for this ?

      I work with Seam 2.0.0.CR1 and JBPM 3.2.2

      Any help appreciated ;)
      Thanks in advance

        • 1. Re: Problems with links in pageflow pages based on templates

          /home isn't a valid viewId...

          • 2. Re: Problems with links in pageflow pages based on templates

            I don't think this is what causes my problem. I tried with /home.xhtml or /home.seam, and I have the same problem.

            • 3. Re: Problems with links in pageflow pages based on templates


              I still have not found a solution to this problem and it still exists with newer versions of Seam. When running a pageflow conversation, only links modeled in the pageflow work, others throw an "illegal navigation" error . But when you use templates, there are links you should not have to add to your pageflow !

              So is there a way to disable navigation check on some links when running a pageflow conversation ?

              • 4. Re: Problems with links in pageflow pages based on templates

                Doing a link based on a viewId like

                <s:link view="/foo.xhtml" />

                certainly should work from inside a pageflow.

                Post the exception and server log from the start of the request

                • 5. Re: Problems with links in pageflow pages based on templates

                  Thanks for your response.

                  Well, there is no exception, but nothing happens when I click on the link (same behaviour as a null return from a backing bean) and I have this message in the server log :

                  sourceId=null[severity=(WARN 1), summary=(Illegal navigation), detail=(Illegal navigation)]

                  If you say it should work, it means there is something I do wrong.

                  My pageflow is as following :

                  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                  <pageflow-definition name="processusCrud">
                   <start-state name="start">
                   <transition name="default" to="infosGeneralesProcessus" />
                   <page name="infosGeneralesProcessus" view-id="/processus/processusCrud/infosGeneralesProcessus.xhtml">
                   <transition to="processus paramétrable ?" name="suivant"></transition>
                   <transition to="fin" name="annuler">
                   <action expression="#{processusCrud.annuler}" />
                   <decision name="processus paramétrable ?" expression="#{processusCrud.modeleProcessusSelectionne.parametres != null}">
                   <transition to="parametrageProcessus" name="true">
                   <action expression="#{processusCrud.refreshParametrage}" />
                   <transition name="false" to="recapitulatifProcessus"></transition>
                   <page name="parametrageProcessus" view-id="/processus/processusCrud/parametrageProcessus.xhtml">
                   <transition to="recapitulatifProcessus" name="suivant"></transition>
                   <transition name="precedent" to="infosGeneralesProcessus"></transition>
                   <transition to="fin" name="annuler">
                   <action expression="#{processusCrud.annuler}" />
                   <page name="recapitulatifProcessus" view-id="/processus/processusCrud/recapitulatifProcessus.xhtml">
                   <transition to="fin" name="valider">
                   <action expression="#{processusCrud.valider}" />
                   <transition name="precedent" to="parametrageProcessus"></transition>
                   <transition to="fin" name="annuler">
                   <action expression="#{processusCrud.annuler}" />
                   <page name="fin" view-id="/processus/listeProcessus.xhtml">

                  The pageflow is started with a @Begin annotaion:

                  @org.jboss.seam.annotations.Begin(pageflow = "processusCrud", join = true)
                  public java.lang.String select(mypackage.processus.VOProcessus processus)

                  And my select method is called this way ...

                  <s:button value="#{messages['label.nouveau']}" action="#{processusCrud.select(null)}" />

                  ... or this way :

                  <h:commandButton id="cmdDetail" value="#{messages['label.detail']}" action="#{processusCrud.select(processus)}" />

                  The link in my template is :

                  <s:link view="/home.xhtml" value="Accueil" />

                  Is there anything more to do ?

                  • 6. Re: Problems with links in pageflow pages based on templates


                    In your template, try to remove the view tag.

                    There's obviously a problem with redirect tag in the page flow and view tag in the templates.

                    This solution work's for my problem.
                    see here http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=124715

                    If it doesn't work, i think you have to add some code like this in your page.xml:

                    <page view-id="*">
                     <navigation from-action="#{myAction}">
                     <redirect view-id="myPath/home.xhtml"></redirect>

                    • 7. Re: Problems with links in pageflow pages based on templates

                      Do you mean I should replace the <s:link view="/home.xhtml" /> by something like <s:link action="#{myComponent.action}" /> ?

                      • 8. Re: Problems with links in pageflow pages based on templates

                        You should try. It works for me.

                        As i understand, there's a problem using view tag in a template and redirect tag in the pageflow.

                        They don't work together. Why? I currently still don't know.

                        Or if you don't know how to replace your view code by an action code, remove your redirect tag in your pageflow. But i don't know what are the consequences when you refresh your page.

                        • 9. Re: Problems with links in pageflow pages based on templates

                          I tried all what you said, and I still have the problem. In fact I have two links in my template :

                          <s:link action="#{navigation.retourAccueil}" value="Accueil" propagation="end" />
                          <s:link action="#{identity.logout}" value="Deconnexion" rendered="#{identity.loggedIn}" propagation="end" />

                          The one binded to action {identity.logout} works well. But not the one binded to the action I wrote, which still throws an "illegal navigation" error while I can't see differences between them ! The problem is the same if I use view="/home.xhtml" attribute instead of action one. Same problem too when I remove all tags in the pageflow definition.

                          My "navigation" Seam component is like this :

                          public class NavigationAction {
                           public void retourAccueil() {

                          My pages.xml file in /WEB-INF :

                          <page view-id="*">
                           <navigation from-action="#{navigation.retourAccueil}">
                           <end-conversation />
                           <redirect view-id="/home.xhtml" />
                           <navigation from-action="#{identity.logout}">
                           <end-conversation />
                           <redirect view-id="/home.xhtml"></redirect>

                          Do you see something different compared with what you did ?

                          • 10. Re: Problems with links in pageflow pages based on templates

                            Sorry .... Please read "Same problem too when I remove all redirect tags in the pageflow definition.

                            • 11. Re: Problems with links in pageflow pages based on templates

                              The only thing i see is the difference between the two redirection in your page.xml.

                              the fist one you wrote (and doesn't work) is

                              <redirect view-id="/home.xhtml" />

                              and the secon one is
                              <redirect view-id="/home.xhtml"></redirect>

                              Try to inverse those two redirections and see what happen.

                              if it works, try something like this

                              <page view-id="*">
                               <navigation from-action="#{navigation.retourAccueil}">
                               <end-conversation />
                               <redirect view-id="/home.xhtml"></redirect>
                               <navigation from-action="#{identity.logout}">
                               <end-conversation />
                               <redirect view-id="/home.xhtml"></redirect>

                              • 12. Re: Problems with links in pageflow pages based on templates

                                It still doesn't work ... The link is the same, the navigation configuration is the same, the only difference is that I use different components. So it must come from my "navigation" component. I added @BypassInterceptors annotation to my component (this is what is done with "identity" component, but it changes nothing. Which annotations did you put on your component class and on its methods ?

                                • 13. Re: Problems with links in pageflow pages based on templates

                                  I only use identity coponent so i do nothing more than what seam has done.

                                  But i notice something else yesterday.

                                  I have a main pageflow with a sub-pageflow.

                                  At the first strike, it doesn't work because i leave propagation=none in my s:link

                                  Without it, it works. I'll try today to restore it and change the option to see what happen.

                                  Just a question:
                                  I use Seam 2.0.0.GA, november 2007.

                                  Which one do you use?

                                  • 14. Re: Problems with links in pageflow pages based on templates

                                    I use Seam 2.0.0.GA too

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