1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 12, 2007 2:48 PM by pmuir

    No tag defined for name: convertEntity


      It sounds like I cannot use the convert entity tag...

      I am using SEAM 1.2. When I place the s:convertEntity tag in my XHTML file I get an error. The log says:

      <s:convertEntity> Tag Library supports namespace: http://jboss.com/products/seam/taglib, but no tag was defined for name: convertEntity

      My code:

      <h:selectOneMenu value="#{payrollExport.payPeriod}">
       <s:selectItems value="#{payPeriodAction.payPeriods}" var="e" label="#{e.formattedStartDate}" />
       <s:convertEntity />

      I am assuming I need to upgrade to 2.0 to use this tag (I am guessing as I am new to SEAM).

      I am also assuming that if I want to continue to use 1.2, I will need to create a custom converter for my class.