1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 7, 2007 7:57 PM by shane.bryzak

    <s:fileUpload> and "maxRequestSize" exceptions in 1.2.1


      I'm reposting this because I messed up the Subject line previously.

      Seam 2.0 has this nifty @Filter(within) that allows wrapping the MultipartFilter within the ExceptionFilter, so you can handle the new FileUploadException that MultipartRequest now throws instead of the RuntimeException that it used to throw.

      Unfortunately, Seam 1.2.1 doesn't have this attribute. I have modified Seam 1.2.1 to throw FileUploadException, but since MultipartFilter is @Intercept(NEVER), I can't intercept that exception to go to a pretty error page, but always get a 500 error page.

      Is there any way via xml configuration to set up the "within" relationship in 1.2.1 that you can do in 2.0 annotations?

      There has to be SOME way to handle the error. What IS it?