1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 24, 2007 2:26 PM by pmuir

    seam test of navigation


      We manage to integration test our application with a succession of new FacesRequest().run();

      We would like to add some navigation test to it.
      If we have:

      <pages login-view-id="/login.xhtml">
       <page view-id="/*" login-required="true">
       <render view-id="foo.xhtml"/>

      We would expect this to pass:
      new NonFacesRequest("/foo.xhtml") {
       protected void renderResponse() throws Exception {
       assert "login.xhtml".equals(getRenderedViewId());

      We try few different way around it but couldn't manage to get it to work.
      Is there a way using seam 1.2.1?

      Note: when we test inside container entering foo.xhtml inside the browser it sends us to the login page, our configuration is ok. We just want to know if we can test redirection using the SeamTest.* framework.