1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 22, 2007 8:17 PM by vlaugier

    application does not react as expected on production server



      this is a very, very byzarre thing

      the user is asked to select items in a selectManyMenu and then to validate its choice on another page. This validation associates these items to an attribute of type List, say : bulk

      Since the selected items are now associated to this attribute there are expected to be removed from the list.

      My problem is that the validated items are not removed from the list when I run the application on the production server.

      There are severall way to make this works in my developement environment (either when launched in the default configuration or production)

      remove the element from the bulk



      reload the whole bulk

      But in the production server, the only thing that works is to refresh the element before testing its right to be in a bulk (is it already associated to a bulk or not) which turns out to be dramatic for performance when there is a lot of elements to refresh.

      If anyone has an idea ...



        • 1. Re: application does not react as expected on production ser

          oops ! sorry there is something wrong in the above description of my problem

          I descibe again the two ways it works in development environment :

          There are severall way to make this works in my developement environment (either when launched in the default configuration or production)

          remove the element from the bulk




          reload the list of elements that can be added to the edited bulk

