1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 31, 2008 7:30 AM by nbelaevski

    column colspan combined with sortBy not creating expected re


      hi, the following code gets not rendered as I would expect:

       <rich:dataTable value="#{documentDAO.visibleDocuments}"
       style="width: 100%;">
       <rich:column id="Title" sortBy="#{Document.title}" selfSorted="true">
       <f:facet name="header">
       <h:outputText value="#{common.title}"></h:outputText>
       <h:outputText value="#{Document.title}"></h:outputText>
       <rich:column id="Author" sortBy="#{Document.author}">
       <f:facet name="header">
       <h:outputText value="#{common.author}"></h:outputText>
       <h:outputText value="#{Document.author}"></h:outputText>
       <rich:column breakBefore="true" colspan="2">
       <h:outputText value="#{Document.summary}"></h:outputText>

      The result is that instead of the expected 2 header cells there are 3, the third dangling free of any columns on the right side of the table, with no contents or sort capability whatsoever, obviously.

      I tried to set sortable="false" and/or selfSorted="false" but that did not help either.

      Versions are:
      jsf impl: mojarra 1.2_11
      richfaces: 3.2.2SR1

      Please advise if this behavior is intended or if I should report this as a bug (of if I did something wrong).

      Thanks for any advice (and a happy new year).