1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 26, 2007 7:51 AM by atao

    Successfully created message

      With a seam-gened app, whenever you create something it displays a facesmessage with text "Successfully created"
      I do not want it to be displayed in any case. I have read that to prevent a seam-gened message to be displayed you just have to assign an empty value in the language properties file. For instance in my messages_en.properties there was a

      org.jboss.seam.loginSuccessful=Welcome, #0

      I have changed it, and now it is

      so now, after logging the welcome message is not showed. But, I do not find any Successfully created entry in the default seam-gened message_en.properties.
      Up to now I have found a solution by overriding getCreatedMessage this way

      public String getCreatedMessage()
       return "";

      This works, but I would like to avoid overriding in all my Home classes.
      Where is the Successfully created message defined? is tehre any way to assign an empty value?
      thanks in advance!